About Chakras
In our human body, energy exists and flows throughout our body, which is the basis of our soul energy.
In Chinese traditional culture, it is called Qi; in India, it is called "Prana". There are seven main chakras in the body, each responsible for different functions. Energy from the universe enters the human body through the chakras. If the chakras are not functioning properly and are out of balance, it will affect our emotions and spirit. Advanced, affecting the operation of the internal organs of the body, where the chakras are weakly functioning. Eventually, the disease occurs in that weaker part of the body. As a result, we may become sick or have emotional or mental problems.
Here we introduce how seven chakras work and affect our body, and let you understand those chakras to gain a deeper understanding of your inner self.
MULADHARA - The First Chakra
Color: red
Body organs affected: spine, kidneys
It is located in the center of the tailbone, between the legs.
It is the first chakra that connects the earth's energy to the body. It is associated with physical presence, body motion perception, and touch. If this chakra operates smoothly, the person is more grounded and has a strong will to survive. On the contrary, if this chakra does not function smoothly, the person will lack energy, cannot be strongly connected to the earth, and will not have a sense of self-existence on the earth.
SVADHISTHANA Manipura - Second Chakra
Color: orange
Affects body organs: reproductive system
It is located above the pubic bone, on the front and back of the body. In the center of the sacrum.
In this chakra we feel love. It's about sensuality and sexual potency. Energy supplies our sexual organs and immune system through it.
MANIPURA Solar Plexus - Third Chakra
Color: yellow
Body organs affected: stomach, liver, gallbladder
It is located in the solar plexus, on the front and back of the body
It connects to our intuition. It's about who we are in this universe, how we connect with other people, and how we care for each of us
ANAHATA Heart Chakra - Fourth Chakra
Affects body organs: heart
It is located in the heart area, on the front and back of the body
It is associated with love and intention, through which it brings energy into the heart area, circulatory system and chest line
VISUDDHA Throat Chakra-Fifth Chakra
Color - blue
Body organs affected: bronchi, lungs, digestive tract
It is located in the throat area. on the front and back of the body
It is related to hearing, taste, and smell. About receiving, giving and telling the truth
AJNA Ajna-Sixth Chakra
Color: indigo
Body organs affected: Nervous system, lower half of brain, left eye, ears, nose
It is located at the front and back of the head.
Its associated vision. The front chakra is about conceptual understanding, and the back chakra is about implementing our ideas step by step.
SAHASRARA Crown Chakra-Seventh Chakra
Color: violet-white
Body organs affected: upper half of brain, right eye
it's located above the head
Its related knowledge and practical experience are integrated and connected with the relevant personal spiritual level.
In short, the chakras in the front of the body are related to the function of our emotional feelings, and the chakras in the back of the body are related to our will. The chakras in the head are related to rational mental functions. To maintain our health, we need to keep our will, emotions and mind in balance.
在中國,稱為氣 ; 在印度,稱為" Prana " 。有七個主要脈輪在身體內,每個脈輪主管不同的功能。來自宇宙的能量經由脈輪進入人體內。若脈輪運作不良,處於不平衡狀態,那會影響我們的情緒和精神。進階,影響身體內部的器官運作,在那脈輪運作較弱的地方。最後,疾病發生在那身體較弱的部分。以致我們會生病或有情緒精神上的問題。
MULADHARA 海底輪 - 第一脈輪
- 顏色:紅色
- 影響身體器官:脊柱,腎臟
- 其位於尾骨中央,在兩腿間
- 其是第一個脈輪連接地球能量流通至身體。其關聯身體存在感,身體動感知覺,和觸感。若此脈輪運作順暢,人較腳踏實地並具有強烈生命生存意願。相反地,若此脈輪運作不順暢,人較缺乏能量,沒辦法強烈和地球連結,沒有自我存在感在地球上
- 顏色:橘色
- 影響身體器官:生殖系統
- 其位於恥骨上方,在身體的前及後面。在薦骨中央。
- 在此脈輪,我們感受愛。其有關感官感受和性能力。能量透過其供應我們性器官和免疫系統。
MANIPURA 太陽神經叢- 第三脈輪
- 顏色:黃色
- 影響身體器官:胃,肝,膽
- 其位於太陽神經叢,在身體的前及後面
- 其關聯我們的直覺。其有關我們是誰在這宇宙,我們如何和其他人連結及如何照顧我們每個人
ANAHATA 心輪- 第四脈輪
- 顏色-綠色
- 影響身體器官:心臟
- 其位於心臟區域,在身體的前及後面
- 其關聯愛和意願,透過其將能量帶入心臟區域,循環系統和胸線
VISUDDHA 喉輪-第五脈輪
- 顏色-藍色
- 影響身體器官:支氣管,肺,消化道
- 其位於喉嚨區域。在身體的前及後面
- 其關聯聽覺,味覺,嗅覺 。有關接收,給予和說出實話
AJNA 眉心輪-第六脈輪
- 顏色:靛藍色
- 影響身體器官:神經系統,腦下半部,左眼,耳,鼻
- 其位於頭部的前後方。
- 其關聯視覺。其前方脈輪有關概念理解,後方脈輪有關將我們想法一步一步落實完成之
- 顏色: 紫羅色-白色
- 影響身體器官:腦上半部,右眼
- 其位於頭部上方
- 其關聯知識實務經驗,和有關個人靈性層面融合連結